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Your query returned 9 results. Here are results 1 to 9:
1993 Marvel Marvel Universe Hulk #1
B Jolley Collected Cards
BrookJolley (new seller)
USA, has 1216 cards
$ 0.99

All prices in USD
1993 Marvel Marvel Universe Doc Samson #7
B Jolley Collected Cards
BrookJolley (new seller)
USA, has 1216 cards
$ 1.44

All prices in USD
1993 Marvel Marvel Universe Warlock #10
B Jolley Collected Cards
BrookJolley (new seller)
USA, has 1216 cards
$ 0.99

All prices in USD
1993 Marvel Marvel Universe Nova #19
B Jolley Collected Cards
BrookJolley (new seller)
USA, has 1216 cards
$ 1.65

All prices in USD
1993 Marvel Marvel Universe Sabretooth #31
B Jolley Collected Cards
BrookJolley (new seller)
USA, has 1216 cards
$ 0.50

All prices in USD
1993 Marvel Marvel Universe Captain Britain #40
B Jolley Collected Cards
BrookJolley (new seller)
USA, has 1216 cards
$ 1.23

All prices in USD
1993 Marvel Marvel Universe Loki #49
B Jolley Collected Cards
BrookJolley (new seller)
USA, has 1216 cards
$ 1.80

All prices in USD
1993 Marvel Marvel Universe Rhino #61
B Jolley Collected Cards
BrookJolley (new seller)
USA, has 1216 cards
$ 2.13

All prices in USD
1993 Marvel Marvel Universe Beast #111
B Jolley Collected Cards
BrookJolley (new seller)
USA, has 1216 cards
$ 1.82

All prices in USD

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